Self Realization & Microdosing

Popping microdose caps alone won’t guide you to Self realization. However microdosing psilocybin is an incredibly powerful tool in moving beyond inner conflict and confusion to arrive in a place where you feel at home in yourself.

Micodosing entheogens activates the development of new neural pathways. In case you didn’t know, neural pathways are the physical manifestation of the mental and emotional patterns we experience every day. It’s amazing that micodosing assists in developing new pathways, but the question is, what new neural pathways are you creating and how will you maintain and integrate them?

Micodosing works most effectively as a powerful enhancement to your Self care lifestyle and a personal development program that will work in tandem with your microdosing regime, for you to realize and align with your authentic Self.

If you are wanting to create significant changes in your personal growth and development you will want to consider and incorporate a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health and wellness plan with your micodosing program. These aspects are all interconnected and working in one area will bolster all the others.

Here are some ideas: Yoga, scheduled time in nature, talk therapy, somatic therapy, counselling, coaching or hypnotherapy. Reading books on personal development, mindset, healing trauma, spiritual growth. Do practices like meditation and journaling.


Entheogens & Pineal Gland Health


Self Love & Entheogens