Self Love & Entheogens

It is the experience of many people that entheogens provide opportunities to experience interconnectedness. When we realize that we are interconnected with all things living, we begin to respect and love for the entirety of creation. In those moments we realize the perfection of the Universe and our place in it. This inevitably inspires Self Love.

The best way to take entheogens is with mindful intention. Micodose tea is a perfect way to sit in reflection with Self Love and Self care.

The beauty of entheogenic plant medicines is they reveal the Truth to us if we are willing to see what is asking to be known. This can happen over time with a micodose program along our Self work and healing journey. It can happen with larger doses or in plant medicine ceremonies.

If you trust the process of your healing, then each Truth will bring you closer and closer to the ultimate revelation which is that you are a Spiritual being in human form - radiant, Divine, a beautiful Soul here for a sacred purpose, and worthy of Love - the Love of others … but most importantly, the Love of yourSelf.


Self Realization & Microdosing