Entheogens & Pineal Gland Health

The pineal glad is the gland at the centre of your brain that releases molecule, known as the “spirit molecule” called DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). DMT can be released from our brain and enables us to have spiritual awakenings that can happen when we meditate, make love, behold the beauty of nature, are transported by music or feel oneness with creation.

Did you know that environmental toxins, fluoride (in some tap water and toothpaste), glyphosate (widely used pesticide) and other unnecessary and ridiculous chemicals (such as conventional cleaning and self care products) that have no place on earth disrupt our neural functions and calcify the pineal glad? The processed food we eat, alcohol and as before mentioned - all chemicals especially fluoride calcify our pineal gland and stop it from secreting it’s natural DMT that bring us spiritual awakenings and insights.

Ways to decalcify the pineal glad: entheogenic and plant medicines (micro dose and macro dosing in safe settings), stop fluoride toothpaste and water, obviously eat organic food from bio diverse soil, meditation, yoga, kundalini krias, tantric connection, mantras, healthy lifestyle and various vagal nerve toning practices etc.


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